Technical information

A single file format may support only limited elements of a scene, but
the main program allows all formats to support:
Unlimited (32-bit, or 64-bit depending on system architecture) number
of vertices (vertices are points in 3D space);
Unlimited (system-dependent) number of faces (face is a single closed area
made of some vertices);
Unlimited (system-dependent) number of meshes/object (a mesh, or a object,
is a set of faces making one element; mesh usually closes a volume);
Unlimited number of shapes/lines (lines are usually helpers in 3D scene);
Unlimited number of materials; diffuse, ambient and specular color
in every material; alpha (transparency) is also supported;
Unlimited number of textures; alpha level for every texture;
Texture mapping (so-called UV mapping - defines how to place
textures on meshes);
Three textures in every material: diffuse, diffuse alpha map and bump;
One default place of view and unlimited cameras
Environment parameters - color and texture; unlimited lights;
Program allows to merge scenes from different files;
automatically fixes errors in data;
Basic data processing - face order reduction, small faces deletion;