Technical information
Reference of IVCon source files:
Most importand files:
ivconv.h is a header file; it defines IVCON class and many helper structures;
it also contains #defines for formats supported by the compilation;
ivconv.cpp contains methods definitions for IVCON class; all methods that are not
format-specific, are stored inside this file;
main.cpp is the main program for converting graphics files; contains INTERACT module;
tmat.h is a header file for tmat.cpp, which defines transformation matrices;
tmat.cpp is a collection of functions for supporting transformation matrices;
utils.cpp is a collection of utilities for IVCON; it contains file reading
routines and some various functions;
utils.h defines functions in UTILS.CPP, and defines structures like vector,
vec2 and vec3, used for storing data in whole program;
Project files and compilation helpers:
- windows makefile; automatically generated by Dev-C++
- Makefile manually written linux makefile;
- ivcon.ico the program icon
- project file for Dev-C++
- ivcon.layout project layout for Dev-C++
- ivcon_private.h resource definition for Dev-C++
- ivcon_private.rc resource definition for Dev-C++
- ivcon_private.res resource definition for Dev-C++
- ivcon.dsp project file for Microsoft Developer Studio
- ivcon.dsw project workspace for Microsoft Developer Studio
- ivcon.ncb Microsoft C/C++ program database
- ivcon.opt Microsoft OPT workspace file
- ivconexe.dsp project file for Microsoft Developer Studio
- ivconexe.dsw project workspace for Microsoft Developer Studio
- ivconexe.ncb Microsoft C/C++ program database
- ivconexe.opt Microsoft OPT workspace file
Format-specific files:
- tds.cpp 3DS format support functions
- ofile.h 3DS format support header
- asc.cpp ASC format support functions
- ase.cpp ASE format support functions
- byu.cpp BYU format support functions
- dxf.cpp DXF format support functions
- gmod.cpp GMOD format support functions
- hrc.cpp HRC format support functions
- iv.cpp IV format support functions
- obj.cpp OBJ format support functions
- pov.cpp POV format support functions
- smf.cpp SMF format support functions
- stl.cpp STL format support functions
- swm.cpp SWM format support functions
- sw_maprd.cpp SWM format support functions
- sw_maprd.h SWM format support header
- swv.cpp SWV format support functions
- sw_vehrd.cpp SWV format support functions
- sw_vehrd.h SWV format support header
- tec.cpp TEC format support functions
- tri.cpp TRI format support functions
- txt.cpp TXT format support functions
- ucd.cpp UCD format support functions
- vla.cpp VLA format support functions
- wrl.cpp WRL format support functions
- xgl.cpp XGL format support functions