Supported 3D formats

VLA format overview:

(unfinished - no information available)

VLA file characteristics:

VLA format references and information:

VLA format information and examples from John Burkardt

VLA support notes inside IVCon source code:

 Author:  John Burkardt
 Change: 08 Mar 2007 Tomasz Lis adjusted to new core
 Change: 31 Mar 2008 Tomasz Lis fixed file reading routine

 A list of supported elements follows. Please modify if you'll enhance something.
 Format support note - reading:
 - No vertices support (but line points supported)
 - No faces support
 - No meshes support
 - No materials support
 - No textures support
 - No texture UV support
 - No cameras or default view support
 - No environment or lights supported
 - 31-bit shapes/lines support (restricted by SHAPES_MAX and SHAPE_ORDER_MAX)
 Format support note - writing:
 - No vertices support (but line points supported)
 - No faces support
 - No meshes support
 - No materials support
 - No textures support
 - No texture UV support
 - No cameras or default view support
 - No environment or lights supported
 - Full 32-bit shapes/lines support


set comment cube.vla created by IVREAD
set comment Original data in cube.iv.
set comment
set intensity EXPLICIT
set parametric NON_PARAMETRIC
set filecontent LINES
set filetype NEW
set depthcue 0
set defaultdraw stellar
set coordsys RIGHT
set author IVREAD
set site Buhl Planetarium
set library_id UNKNOWN
P   8.59816       5.55317      -3.05561       1.00000
L   8.59816       2.49756      0.000000E+00   1.00000
L   8.59816       2.49756      -3.05561       1.00000
L   8.59816       5.55317      -3.05561       1.00000
P   8.59816       5.55317      0.000000E+00   1.00000
L   2.48695       2.49756      -3.05561       1.00000

Copying and copyrights:
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.